Чевствуем погибших и живых,
Тех, кто пал, Отчизну защищая,
Имена навек запомним их,
Жизнь они свою за нас отдали.
С каждым годом все короче ряд
Очевидцев тех боев кровавых,
Пусть же взрывы больше не гремят,
Не тревожат засторелой раны.
Ваш геройский подвиг не забыть,
Пусть года бегут неумолимо,
Но сирени бархатная кисть
Все ко дню Победы: http://www.victory-day.ru/?Glavnaya
It's a very great day in our life. Our grandfathers and grandmothers gave their life for this victory, for our future. They protect our contry very bravery, they fight to death, and they won this cruel and merciless war.On this war died millions of people.We shouldn't forget them.
ОтветитьУдалитьBy Vlad Krasnikov(c)
realy, military people's courage we remembered, remember and will remember all time. Many thanks to them
ОтветитьУдалитьThe 9th of May is a great and very important day in the history of Rissian Federation. Our grandparents won a war, it's our victory. Today, we always thank them for protecting the country, they fought bravely and sometimes they were cruel and violent, too... So, as Vlad Krasnikov said, we shouldn't forget them!
ОтветитьУдалитьBy Dmitry Vasilenko