понедельник, 31 мая 2010 г.
День без табака

воскресенье, 30 мая 2010 г.
Шоу цветов в Лондоне

Orchids are out in force at this year's Chelsea Flower Show. Eleven displays in the Great Pavilion feature orchids, while both cool-growing and tropical orchids put in appearances in the gardens. Taiwan's reputation as the “Orchid Kingdom” has been further enhanced as Queen Elizabeth II praised the quality of Taiwanese orchids during a stop at the country's booth. This is the first year that Taiwan was invited to the annual Chelsea Flower Show. The queen was very surprised to learn that Taiwan supplies one-third of the orchids in the global market. http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/foreign-affairs/2010/05/26/258042/Queen-Elizabeth.htm Top new plants http://www.rhs.org.uk/Shows-Events/RHS-Chelsea-Flower-Show/2010/Plants/Plant-features/Top-10-plants
пятница, 28 мая 2010 г.
четверг, 27 мая 2010 г.
Последний звонок
суббота, 22 мая 2010 г.
День диалога
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

Let's discuss every problem! Don't be afraid to ask your parents, teachers, friends any question you like. To avoid misunderstanding it's necessary to speak to each other! Dialogues are for developing! For friendship! For peace in the world!
среда, 12 мая 2010 г.
Английский бульдог
Not long ago the Institute of Productive Teaching of Russian Academy of Education held a competition «British Bulldog». My pupils participated and showed good knowledge of English.
The results of other pupils are:
A. Orlova 6 Form (97%)
Zh. Dyugay 6 Form (94%)
M. Tokareva 6 Form (94%)
N. Koroleva 6 Form (91%)
S. Dzekanovskaya 11 F (88 %)
K. Tsagelnik 11 Form (87%)
S. Alborova 11 Form (86%)
A. Sizikova 11 Form (86%)
M. Elenkin 11 Form (86%)
V. Samolovova 6 Form (85%)
воскресенье, 9 мая 2010 г.
С Днем Победы!
Чевствуем погибших и живых,
Тех, кто пал, Отчизну защищая,
Имена навек запомним их,
Жизнь они свою за нас отдали.
С каждым годом все короче ряд
Очевидцев тех боев кровавых,
Пусть же взрывы больше не гремят,
Не тревожат засторелой раны.
Ваш геройский подвиг не забыть,
Пусть года бегут неумолимо,
Но сирени бархатная кисть
Все ко дню Победы: http://www.victory-day.ru/?Glavnaya
суббота, 8 мая 2010 г.
8 мая в Великобритании
Victory in Europe Day
VE Day marks a very important event in World War II - the end of the War with Germany on Tuesday 8 May 1945. For almost six years from 1939 to 1945 Britain, with other countries of Europe, fought the toughest war it had ever experienced. Six years of bloodshed that had killed approximately 382,700 members of the British Armed forces and 67,100 civilians were over. Finally, in a school house in Rhins, Germany's unconditional surrender was signed at 2:41pm on 7 May. (Active operations by the German forces would cease by 11.01pm 8 May.) At 3pm on 8 May, Britain's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, made a radio broadcast announcing that war in Europe was finally at an end. He made the broadcast from the War Cabinet Office, the same room that in 1939 Neville Chamberlain had made a speech announcing that the country was at war. Shortly after Churchill's speech King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and the two princesses came out onto the balcony at Buckingham Palace to acknowledge the huge crowd below. From: http://www.projectbritain.com/calendar/may.html
вторник, 4 мая 2010 г.
Праздник весны и труда
May Day

A traditional May Day dance - Maypole Dancing
May Day in Russia
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