Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a jolly man with red robes having long white beard. The real name of Santa Claus is Nicholas, born 2000 years ago to wealthy parents in a small village in the country Myra, today called as Turkey. Nicholas' parents died while he was yet a boy. Nicholas went to his village priest, confessed his sins and expressed his desire to help the poor. He wished to become a priest. But the priest knew Nicholas lacked the education necessary to become a priest. During this time Bishop of the church passed away and the authorities were guided by heavenly messenger to select the first person named Nicholas to walk through the doors of church and Nicholas had his miracle and was named the youngest bishop of the church ever on record. St. Nicholas became the champion of children and the needy; he was legendary for his kindness and generosity. And his legend only grew as the centuries passed.
Christmas Tree
There are many myths about the Christmas tree but one of the first written references to a Christmas tree was made in 1605, where a visitor in Germany reported seeing a tree decorated with apples, colorful candies, roses and thin wafers. Over the years many different things were used to decorate Christmas trees., Many trees were decorated with strings of popcorn, greeting cards and pictures, glitters, candy wrapped in color papers, glass balls.
Candy Canes
According to legend, a candy maker represents the holy Christ’s life. Candy has to be hard to represent the church being built on solid rock. Because Jesus is known as the Shepherd, it was formed in the shape of a shepherd's staff and turning it upside down, it represents the letter "J" for Jesus. The three small red stripes represented the Jesus suffering on his way to the cross. The one large red stripe represented the blood Jesus shed as payment for our sins. The white stripes represented the sinless nature of Christ.
Christmas Bell
People gathered to seek the blessings of the newborn Jesus. A little blind boy wanted to meet the baby Jesus but couldn’t find his way; he later heard the tinkling of a cow’s bell. And he followed the tinkling bell to meet the holy Jesus.
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