Новый мэр Лондона
Two days ago in London there was The Lord Mayor's Show. It is an annual event on the 2nd Saturday in November. There has been a Lord Mayor of London ever since 1189. In 1215 King John allowed people of London to elect their own Mayor every year. He required that the new Mayor present himself to the Sovereign and swear loyalty to the Crown. Each year the newly elected Mayor had to make the long journey upriver from the City to Westminster to pledge allegiance. The Lord Mayor has been making that journey every year for 785 years, surviving plague and fire and countless wars and insurrections. Over the years the Mayor's Journey became so splendid that it became known as the Lord Mayor's Show. On the 13th of November a military flypast over Mansion House marked the beginning of the parade to celebrate the inaugural outing of the 683rd Lord Mayor of the City of London. The procession travelled to St Paul's Cathedral, where the new Lord Mayor was blessed by the Dean of St Paul's before the procession carried on to the Royal Courts of Justice where the Lord Mayor swore an oath of allegiance to the sovereign. The Lord Mayor's Show comprised above 6,000 people, over 140 ornamentally decorated floats and performers in addition to the significant and ornately gilded State Coach which the Lord Mayor himself travelled in. The day culminated in a fireworks between Waterloo and Blackfriars Bridges on the Thames. The name of the mayor is Michael Bear.
For more information:
Lord Mayor Show
Интересная информация.В 1987 году была на приеме в резиденции лорда-мера Лондона. Тогда это была женщина.
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