UN Russian Language Day, 6 June, 2010

• 8 December, Arabic Language Day, the date on which the United Nations General Assembly designated Arabic as the sixth official language of the United Nations in 1973;
• 23 April, English Language Day, on William Shakespeare’s birthday;
• 20 March, French Language Day, on International Day of Francophonie;
• 12 October, Spanish Language Day, on traditionally observed in Spanish speaking countries as Dia de la Hispanidad;
• 20 April, Chinese Language Day, on Day of Grain according to Chinese lunar calendar.
Each of the six official languages are celebrated by the United Nations on its designated day in new and creative ways, including with unique information materials and cultural events showcasing each language through music, art, poetry, food, theatre and film screenings. According to UNESCO more than half of the 6,500 languages now existing in the world are on the verge of extinction. One language disappears every 14 or so days, and 96 percent of the existing languages are spoken by a meager 4 percent of people. It's been conservatively estimated that the overall number of existing languages may contract by half already before this century is out. In Europe alone a whole 50 languages are already on their way out.
Русский язык – один из шести официальных языков ООН, по общему числу говорящих занимает место в первой десятке мировых языков. Русский язык входит в славянскую группу (восточная подгруппа) индоевропейской семьи. Им пользуется около 260 млн человек в СНГ, США, Канаде, Израиле, Германии, Польше, Турции и др. странах; примерно 150 млн из них считают русский родным языком. В России на нем говорят свыше 130 млн человек, как минимум для 110 млн россиян он родной.
this writer is very famous, important and great!! I like and admire him.