St George's Day is celebrated in England on 23 April, in honour of St George, the patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag. St George's emblem was adopted by Richard the Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century. The king's soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid
confusion in battle. St. George is believed to have been born in Cappadocia (now Eastern Turkey) in the year A.D. 270. He was a Christian. At the age of seventeen he joined the Roman army and soon became
renowned for his bravery. He served under a
pagan Emperor but never forgot his Christian faith. When the pagan Emperor Diocletian started
persecuting Christians, St. George
pleaded with the Emperor to
spare their lives. The Emperor tried to make St. George deny his faith in Christ, by
torturing him. St George showed incredible courage and faith and was finally beheaded near Lydda in Palestine on 23 April, 303. In 1222, the Council of Oxford declared April 23 to be St George’s Day and he replaced Edward the Confessor as England’s patron saint in the 14th century. In 1415, April 23 was made a national feast day. Saint George is popularly identified with England and English ideals of honour, bravery and
gallantry. He is patron saint not only of England but also of Aragon, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, and Russia, as well as the cities of Amersfoort, Beirut, Bteghrine, Cáceres, Ferrara, Freiburg, Genoa, Ljubljana, Gozo, Pomorie, Qormi, Lod and Moscow. St George is also patron saint of scouts, soldiers, archers, cavalry and
chivalry, farmers and field workers, riders and
saddlers, and he helps those suffering from
leprosy and
plague. The most famous legend of Saint George is of him
slaying a dragon. In the Middle Ages the dragon was commonly used to represent the Devil.
confusion- путаница, неразбериха
renowned – известный, знаменитый
pagan – неверующий, атеист, язычник
persecute – преследовать, подвергать гонениям
plead - защищать
spare – беречь, щадить
torture - пытать, мучить
gallantry – храбрость, отвага
chivalry - рыцарство
saddler – седельный мастер, шорник, верховая лошадь
leprosy - проказа
plague - чума
staying – останавливающий, задерживающий
The Legend of St. George and the Dragon

St. George travelled for many months by land and sea until he came to Libya. Here he met a poor
hermit who told him that everyone in that land was in great
distress, for a dragon had long
ravaged the country. 'Every day,' said the old man, 'he demands the sacrifice of a beautiful maiden and now all the young girls have been killed. The king's daughter alone remains, and unless we can find a knight who can slay the dragon she will be sacrificed tomorrow. The king of Egypt will give his daughter in marriage to the champion who overcomes this terrible monster.' When St. George heard this story, he was determined to try and save the princess, so he rested that night in the
hermit's hut, and at daybreak set out to the valley where the dragon lived. When he drew near he saw a little procession of women, headed by a beautiful girl dressed in pure Arabian silk. The princess Sabra was being led by her attendants to the place of death. The knight
spurred his horse and overtook the ladies. He comforted them with brave words and persuaded the princess to return to the palace. Then he entered the valley. As soon as the dragon saw him it rushed from its cave, roaring with a sound louder than thunder. Its head was immense and its tail fifty feet long. But St. George was not afraid. He struck the monster with his spear, hoping he would wound it. The dragon's
scales were so hard that the spear broke into a thousand pieces. and St. George fell from his horse. Fortunately he rolled under an enchanted orange tree against which poison could not
prevail, so that the
venomous dragon was unable to hurt him. Within a few minutes he had recovered his strength and was able to fight again. He
smote the beast with his sword but the dragon poured poison on him and his
armour split in two. Once more he refreshed himself from the orange tree and then, with his sword in his hand, he rushed at the dragon and pierced it under the wing where there were no scales, so that it fell dead at his feet. (by Mandy Barrow)
hermit - отшельник
distress – горе, страдание, несчастье, беда
ravage – разрушать, портить, опустошать, грабить
spur - пришпорить
scale - чешуя
prevail – торжествовать, одерживать победу
venomous – ядовитый, злобный
smite (smote)– разбивать, разрушать
armour – вооружение, доспехи, броня
I like it. It is so useful I like dragons they are fun !!!!!!!!!=)Mike