Palm Sunday
The most solemn week of the Christian year, Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter, and is the week during which Christians particularly remember the last week of Jesus's life. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. Great crowds of people lined the streets waving palm branches to welcome him. The people were very excited. They spread branches on the road – and even laid down their clothes. They shouted 'Hosanna!' which means 'Save us Now!' In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday is marked by the distribution of palm leaves (often tied into crosses) to the assembled worshipers. The difficulty of procuring palms for that day's ceremonies in unfavorable climates for palms led to the substitution of boughs of box, yew, willow or other native trees. The Sunday was often designated by the names of these trees, as Yew Sunday or by the general term Branch Sunday. In Russia this day is called Willow Sunday. Christian clergy will often use the Palm Sunday story to help people think about the strength of their own commitment to their faith. They may ask believers to think about times that they have been unfaithful to Christ, or been hypocritical in proclaiming their support.
resurrection – воскрешение
assembled worshipers – собравшиеся священники
procuring – обеспечивать, доставать
substitution - замена
bough - сук
box – бот. вечнозеленый самшит
yew – тисcommitment - обязательство
hypocritical – лицемерный, притворный
Customs and Traditions in England

well - колодец
pin - булавкаrag – тряпка, лоскут
sallow – ива
pussy willow - верба
hazel – лесной орех