Yesterday we had a very exciting party at our school. Pupils of the second form showed everybody their knowledge of English! They recited poems, dialogues and sang songs in English language. At the beginning of the party they told about all the letters of the ABC or English alphabet. The leading characters of the event were Eugene Kostyushkin (11A), who performed the Russian alphabet and Mark Elenkin, (11A) "his brother English one". All the party we were impressed by the talent of Ksenya Tsagelnik (11A), who starred as a witch. She was not sure in the success of the pupils in studying English and they managed to persuade her in it. The pupils of the 8 form, the members of the puppet theatre group, showed three Russian tales. The pupils of the 4 form sang very funny songs and all the children danced with them. The party was really amazing! I'd like to thank the participants for their work and diligence.
пятница, 26 февраля 2010 г.
понедельник, 22 февраля 2010 г.
С праздником!
I want to congratulate all men and boys on 23 of February. I hope you all are brave, generous, trustworthy people. We love you and surely rely on your strength and wisdom, kindness and nobility.
пятница, 19 февраля 2010 г.
Поможем птицам! Анимационные картинки
Welcome to National Nest Box Week
(14 - 21 February)
National Nest Box Week aims to get as many people as possible to put nest boxes in order to help our breeding birds and other wildlife. It is organized by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). "National Nest Box Week is great for birds. Starting on St Valentine's Day, it's the time we remind ourselves to provide homes for dozens of species, from Blue Tits to Barn Owls. If you've never built a nest box before, why not give it a go this year? Go on, take part for birds!" Let's support our British friends and take care of our Russian birds too. День поцелуев и китов
On this Friday of Shrove Week, English schoolboys were once entitled to kiss girls in without fear of punishment or rejection, a custom that lasted until at least the 1940s.
Today is, also, the Day of Whales. This holiday was celebrated in 1896 for the first time. The international commission of whales, after 200 years of cruel killing of whales, prohibited this kind of hunting. The day is considered to be a day of defense not only for whales, but for all sea mammals. This day is especially important for Russia because a lot of whales, dolphins and seals live in our seas. Some of them are endangered and put in the Red Book of Russian Federation and International Union of Nature Protection.
Today is, also, the Day of Whales. This holiday was celebrated in 1896 for the first time. The international commission of whales, after 200 years of cruel killing of whales, prohibited this kind of hunting. The day is considered to be a day of defense not only for whales, but for all sea mammals. This day is especially important for Russia because a lot of whales, dolphins and seals live in our seas. Some of them are endangered and put in the Red Book of Russian Federation and International Union of Nature Protection.
четверг, 18 февраля 2010 г.
Слэнг Лондона
The East End is the area east and outside of the medieval walled City of London and north of the River Thames. People who live in the East End are known as East Enders. Many East Enders are 'Cockneys'. The term cockney refers to an East London accent. A cockney traditionally is a person born within hearing distance of the sound of Bow bells, meaning within the sound of the bells of the Church of St Mary Le Bow in Cheapside, London. To most people living outside London the term Cockney means a Londoner. Cockney Rhyming slang is a coded language invented in the nineteenth century by Cockneys so they could speak in front of the police without being understood. It uses a phrase that rhymes with a word, instead of the word itself. For example:
Cockney --> Meaning --> Example
Adam and Eve --> Believe --> I don't Adam and Eve it!
Apples and Pears --> Stairs --> Get yer Bacons up the Apples and Pears.
Army and Navy --> Gravy --> Pass the Army and Navy.
Bacon and Eggs--> Legs --> You have got a lovely set of Bacons.
Barnet Fair --> Hair --> I have just got my Barnet chopped.
Brass bands --> Hands --> I shook him by the Brass.
Bread and Honey --> Money --> I wish I had loads of Bread.
Butcher's Hook -->Look --> Take a Butcher's at that!
Christian Slater --> Later --> See ya Slater.
Cream Crackered Knackered --> to be tired/broken --> I'm Cream Crackered!
Currant Bun --> Sun --> The Currant Bun's hot today.
Danny Marr -->Car --> I'll give you a lift in the Danny.
Dicky Bird --> Word --> He hasn't said a Dicky bird in hours.
Dog and Bone --> Phone --> She's always on the Dog.
Donkey's Ears --> Years --> Ain't seen you in Donkeys.
Lemon Squeezy --> Easy --> It was Lemon, mate.
Loaf of Bread --> Head --> He rarely using his loaf of bread.
Pete Tong --> Wrong --> Everything's gone Pete Tong.
Plate of Meat --> Street --> I was walking down the Plate...
Plates of Meat --> Feet--> I've been on me Plates all day.
Pork Pies (Porkie Pies) --> Lies --> He's always telling Porkies.
Rabbit & Pork --> Talk --> She Rabbits on a bit. Let's Rabbit and Pork.
Tea Leaf --> Thief --> Watch it, he's a bloody Tea Leaf.
Weasel --> Coat --> Pull on yer Weasel.
Whistle and Flute --> Suit --> I just got a new Whistle.
from the calendar by Mandy Barrow
Try to write a coded message in Cockney where commentaries. It will be interesting to recoded it.
from the calendar by Mandy Barrow
Try to write a coded message in Cockney where commentaries. It will be interesting to recoded it.
вторник, 16 февраля 2010 г.
Новый год по восточному календарю
The Chinese year 4707 begins on 14 February 2010. The Chinese use the Lunar calendar for their festivals. The Lunar calendar is based on the time the moon takes to go around the Earth. (The Western calendar is based on the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun.) The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years. The first day of each Chinese year will always fall sometime between January 21 and February 21, inclusive, and takes place at sunset on the day of the second (sometimes rarely on the third) New Moon following the winter solstice (21 or 22 December). Chinese New Year celebrations last for two weeks and end with Teng Chieh, the lantern festival, on the full moon about 15 days later. The symbol of 2010 is a tiger. The dragon is an important part of the new year celebrations and is paraded through the streets. It represents wisdom, strength, benevolence, and good fortune.
From 12 to 28 February in Canada XXI Olympic Games are held. More than 5500 athlets from over 80 countries of the world are competing there. It is the most visited Games in the history of Olympic competetions. Russia is represented by 179 sportsmen. The motto of the Games is "With burning hearts".
The Winter Olympics began in 1924, and like the Summer Olympics, happen every four years. The modern games are based on Olympic Games that took place in ancient Greece almost 2,800 years ago. The Olympic Games took their name from the Greek city of Olympia in honour of the Greek God, Zeus. The French town of Chamonix in the Haute-Savoie hosted the first Olympic Winter Games in 1924. All sports ar the winter Olympic Games take place on ice or snow. The last Winter Olympics was in 2006 in Turin (Torino), Italy. The next winter Olympics will be held in Sochi, Russia in 2014.
From 12 to 28 February in Canada XXI Olympic Games are held. More than 5500 athlets from over 80 countries of the world are competing there. It is the most visited Games in the history of Olympic competetions. Russia is represented by 179 sportsmen. The motto of the Games is "With burning hearts".
The Winter Olympics began in 1924, and like the Summer Olympics, happen every four years. The modern games are based on Olympic Games that took place in ancient Greece almost 2,800 years ago. The Olympic Games took their name from the Greek city of Olympia in honour of the Greek God, Zeus. The French town of Chamonix in the Haute-Savoie hosted the first Olympic Winter Games in 1924. All sports ar the winter Olympic Games take place on ice or snow. The last Winter Olympics was in 2006 in Turin (Torino), Italy. The next winter Olympics will be held in Sochi, Russia in 2014.
воскресенье, 14 февраля 2010 г.
С днем святого Валентина!
I congratulate everybody on
St. Valentine's Day!
St. Valentine's Day!
Let's love each other! Let us be tolerant and caring!
If we've met in this life, let leave only warm and tender feelings about us all
in the hearts of people we've ever associated.
It can be interesting for you to watch the presentations of my students about this holiday:
by Olga Miroshnikova
суббота, 13 февраля 2010 г.
четверг, 11 февраля 2010 г.
St. Valentuni's Day is coming.
Have you decided who are people to congratulate?
What cards to present?
I've found a lot of cards for you. First, very funny Valentine cards:
MACM - Easy Valentines Card
How to Make Valentines Day Cards : Valentine Card Brainstorming Tips
more Valentine cards:
среда, 10 февраля 2010 г.
Are you tired of winter? Spring is soon!!! I like spring flowers best of all. They are so tender and touching! The first flowers are snowdrops.
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are one of the first bulbs to flower and signal the start of spring. The flower is a symbol of hope. According to legend, the snowdrop became the symbol of hope when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. When Eve was about to give up hope that the cold winters would never end, an angel appeared. She transformed some of the snowflakes into snowdrop flowers, proving that the winters do eventually give way to the spring. The name snowdrop does not mean 'drop' of snow, it means drop as in eardrop - the old word for earring.

In our region snowdrops don't grow because of a very long winter and cold climate, but we have similar flowers. We call them "grass of sleep" or something like this. Our "snowdrops" ---->
Warmly dressed, aren't they?
пятница, 5 февраля 2010 г.
День рождения полиции Лондона
The first Police Force in London
The police force in the capital of England, as we know it today, did not exist until 1856. Before then, most places had only an unpaid parish constable to keep order. The first policemen, known as 'Peelers' or 'Bobbies', were set up in London in 1829 by Robert Peel, then Home Secretary, after 'The Metropolitan Police Act' of 1829. The act provided permanently appointed and paid Constables. The first thousand of Peel’s police began to patrol the streets of London on 29th September 1829. Robert Peel was born on 5 February 1788 in Bury, Lancashire. He became a British MP and later, Prime Minister. He was most concerned about public safety and criminal reform, and was responsible for establishing the first police force in London. Since that time British police have raditionally been know as 'Bobbies'. The uniform was carefully selected to make the ‘Peelers’ look more like ordinary citizens, rather that a red-coated soldier with a helmet. The 'Peelers' wore a long blue coats and strengthened tall hats, which protected them from blows to the head and they could use to stand on to look over walls. Their only weapon was a wooden truncheon carried in a long pocket in the tail of their coat They also carried a pair of handcuffs and a wooden rattle to raise the alarm. By the 1880s this rattle had been replaced by a whistle.Information from Interesting Calendar - February
среда, 3 февраля 2010 г.
Встреча с выпускниками
We've met them! So grown-up, serious, handsome and beautiful they are! It's a great pleasure to see them every year! Thank you for your visit to school. We are always glad to have a chance to meet you. We remember all of you and certainly love! Best wishes! Good luck!
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